EMÉS non è solo un Frantoio, un’azienda agricola, ma una vera e propria filosofia, di uno stile di vita a contatto con la natura. Un progetto per far comprendere a tutti quanto sia importante il buon cibo nella nostra vita e per la nostra salute.
Un luogo d’incontro e d’amicizia dove poter approfittare di una sala per la degustazione, dove scoprire e apprezzare i frutti più preziosi del nostro territorio come l'olio extravergine di oliva e la mandorla di Toritto, che potrai assaporare in una dimensione ricca d’autenticità e di pace. In questi tempi moderni vogliamo invitarti a venire da noi, per tornare alla natura, al mondo agreste, all’armonia, a tempi lontani da riscoprire, dove anche i sapori erano migliori. Qui, nell’azienda agricola EMÉS, potrai ritrovare il piacere per la qualità, per il gusto originale e non artefatto, che, nella frenesia quotidiana e nella velocità di produzione a tutti i costi, si sono persi.
Vieni a trovarci, ti daremo utili consigli sui prodotti bio, su come trarne benefici per la tua salute. Francesco, sommelier d’olio, inoltre, ti insegnerà ad assaggiare l’olio e ad abbinarlo a gustose ricette della nostra tradizione. Ti aspettiamo! We are waiting for you!
La visita guidata organizzata dalla nostra azienda ti dà la possibilità di scoprire il nostro lavoro. Rappresenta un momento di conoscenza per gli adulti, ma soprattutto per i bambini, che ameranno il contatto con la natura, e resteranno incantati dai diversi processi operativi di raccolta e trasformazione dei prodotti.
Every story is born somewhere with a dream to realise.
The story I want to tell you is that of Francesco and Antonella Palmiotto, a brother and sister driven by a common passion for their home, Toritto, a characteristic medieval village with partially found in the wonderful Alta Murgia National Park in Apulia.
A hospitable land, rich in history, culture and traditions among olive groves and almond groves, whose lush cultivations are favoured by the mild climate and fertile soil. An area famous for the "Filippo Cea" almond cultivar, also called the "Toritto Almond".
Francesco and Antonella grew up in the agricultural world, helping their parents with cultivation and harvesting activities. They developed the idea of creating an agricultural company while running, working and playing happily and carefree among the olive and almond trees.
Their dream was to be the protagonists of an adventure that would see them as creators and artisans of their products. Not just any products that you can find on supermarket shelves, no, they wanted to cultivate, grow and allow everyone to enjoy true Apulian excellence. An excellence that embodies unique flavours, culture, tradition and family values. Thus, EMÉS came to life over the span of twenty years, one plot of land after another; an agricultural company that today produces olives, "Filippo Cea" almonds and organic seasonal vegetables.
Some people achieve greatness: they don't stop, they have to go further, towards new goals, directly transforming the fruits of the earth they cultivate. With resilience, will and tenacity, fighting against bureaucracy, the evolutionary oil mill was born.
A state of the art extra virgin olive oil mill, olive pressing of the highest quality possible. Because “there is oil and then there is oil”. Only an excellent product can satisfy the needs of those who want haute cuisine and "ORGANIC" on their plates.
The oil is accompanied by the production of the "Filippo Cea" cultivar almond. The secret of the goodness of EMÉS almonds is the respect with which the magnificent trees are cultivated and accompanied in their growth without chemical fertilisers or harmful treatments.
All you have to do is trust Francesco and Antonella, who fight every day to offer you unique products. Try their unrivalled extra virgin olive oil and gourmet almonds.
Enjoy unique flavours fully and thoroughly, close your eyes and let yourself be transported by their exquisite taste to their land, Toritto.
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